Quoted By:
[Backstage shortly after the curry incident]
>Dog almighty this is bad. Maybe our worst curry related mishap yet. Nurse, get these people to the eye wash station, STAT!
Uh, that's the thing, doc. We've got an eye wash, but.. um....
>But what, Maggie?
It dispenses Mountain Dew now.
>What? Why?!
The suits couldn't imagine why there'd ever be a need for an eye wash at a wrestling arena and everyone loves Mountain Dew, so...
>*sigh* And the decontamination showers?
Nacho cheese.
>Well we're only three blocks away from the river, let's get some water on these poor bastards before they all need skin grafts
I'm not sure that's the best idea, doc. The Oppai's really flammable this time of year.