>>20810735You're reading into it all wacky. People trying to do what I do is a fucking joke. Go investigate people with room temperature IQs, maybe then you'll get that sick sense of superiority you seem so upset over losing against someone like me.
>"Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar."-Sigmund Freud
>>20810736>And schizophrenia is mentioned there briefly.Briefly, huh? Just enough to get a taste but not enough to actually understand it, apparently. Perfect for crafting half-baked theories that sound deep but are really just puddle-deep.
>The way I understand it is that schizophrenia is a sort of non union of the archetypes inside of you. Or sometimes as well in a transition phase.Ah, the "way you understand it." Well, thank you for that profound insight from the University of YouTube Comments. Non-union of archetypes? Transition phase? You’re just stringing together fancy words hoping they’ll make sense.