File: 11.jpg (34 KB, 328x445)
>>Anonymous (ID: GAIhX3AW) 04/16/20(Thu)20:47:22 No.10109961▶File: 1585776699602.jpg (132 KB, 600x619)
132 KBAnonymous (ID: pv3JduDM) 04/16/20(Thu)20:44:50 No.10109953▶File: 14-PresentDish.mkv.webm (1.9 MB, 1280x720)1.9 MBAlright Anonymous! Dinner is served! I hope that you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed making it for you. <4>>Anonymous (ID: GAIhX3AW) 04/16/20(Thu)20:44:53 No.10109955▶
File: 1584406044753.jpg (11 KB, 262x192)
11 KAnonymous (ID: GAIhX3AW) 04/16/20(Thu)20:44:14 No.10109951▶File: 1584826155903.jpg (97 KB, 1280x752) 97 KB
Anonymous (ID: pv3JduDM) 04/16/20(Thu)20:34:02 No.10109928▶
>>10109937File: 11-RubOnChops.mkv.webm (1.91 MB, 1280x720)
1.91 MB Rub the spices you've mixed together and rub them on the lamb chops!Really rub that seasoning in
there.Sensually.Do it nice and slowly and deeply. Really let that lamb have it, you know?
>>Anonymous (ID: zdj4iJKZ) 04/16/20(Thu)20:37:14 No.10109937▶
>>10109943>>10109928>Sensually. >Do it nice and slowly and deeply.Yes, Alice. Keep going. That's what I came here for.