>>12092319can confirm. Geese are shit, and they shit soo much. Canadian geese are protected but will shit on everything you love.
When I was a young lad my family was well off. We had a large yard, and the fucking leaf birds would shit all over our driveway, my yard, and when I went out to play I had to avoid their shit. And it was huge turds, hundreds of green turds that I had to avoid stepping in. I'd chase them away every chance I got, but they would still come back.
One day I was wearing boots, this bold mf was like 15 yards away, and I decided it was time to break the law.
Boot in hand, goose lined up, throwing motion performed, target hit. Sadly it just honked its stupid fucking honk like they always did, flapped its retarded large wings, and scurried away like a faggot.
After that, my mom pulled the 21st-century women move, called cops on pop because she a psycho bitch, got him thrown out, stole all his money in court, and I decided to live with him. No more goose at poor boy house, just squirrels. squirrels are cool. Now I help make child support payments and me and pop will outlive the old hag, but I'll always be scared because of her.
I hate geese, I always will.