>>3674295>Be 5 years old>playing in back yard with twin sister>stepfather doing yardwork in the yard>gets bit by an ant>twin sister laughs at him>stepfather proceeds to grab her by the hand and drag her into the anthill to show her why she shouldn't laugh at him>Be a few years later>"Anon, something got spilled, go get paper towels to clean it up">Go looking for paper towels>There aren't any>Go back to try and tell parents>Parents get mad I'm not back with paper towels>"You just aren't looking for them, anon, stop causing problems and go get them">There aren't any fucking paper towels>parents getting mad because I'm making them look bad in front of the neighbors who are over>grab hand towel from kitchen because it can be washed>get berated for grabbing a hand towel>start causing a scene because there aren't any fucking paper towels>finally stepdad gets mad and goes to kitchen to look>oops, there aren't any paper towels>get in trouble for causing a scene>neighbors leave an hour later>get screamed at for being useless earlierYeah, fuck parents. It's no wonder I told them to fuck off and never speak to me again, or that my sister tried killing herself because they gaslit her into madness, or that I reacted with EXTREME violence (knocking out teeth with the barrel of a shotgun) when they showed up at my door, unannounced, after being told fuck off and not being told where I live.