>>15521142Yes basically the only difference between the horror of India and here is the sudra can become a transvaisya, the Cainite can become Blessed, but only with the approval of other Blessed who help him find a niche in the land of the Blessed. If he seems like a pro-Cainite firebrand who wants to elevate them, back down he goes in a hurry. Sometimes the fallen sneak in with the Blessed. Just a sign you need to put more illegal tracking software on their computers to keep an eye on things.
If we keep on this course, there's not much to be done. Mentorship in service industries is in a terrible place. Services can only be divided as far as modes of behaviour, and there are really shockingly few of those. The goal of most AI projects is to bludgeon those outliers until they comport to even narrower parameters. So we're all in competition, we're all mandated to be as productive as possible, and our lives actually do depend on it now as the best medical care is catastrophically expensive, the death of the private sector pension means investments must always go up which means less and less tolerance for unregulated and unpredictable behaviour. Not good!
There is a chance this Ukraine thing is indeed the beginning of an economic disentanglement. Putin's comment on the end of the unipolar world could be significant. 1984 had the divisions and made it all incredibly grey, but even if it was all under control, even if this was built-in inefficiency to bring back industry, there is a very slight chance it would at least buy time. Product management usually has a life cycle already planned before we know of the product. That we can see people starting to bristle against Deloitte-KPMG-EY-PWC-Accenture-Tata now, even if it's on schedule, it could mean the absolute worst might not happen. But I donno. Don't give up! And now I sleep goodnight!