https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4924200/>7.1 Vegan fallaciesCommon vegan debate tactics/fallacies:
- Nirvana fallacy: "There's no point in eating animal products because everything can be solved with a perfect vegan diet, supplements and genetic predisposition."
- Proof by example: "Some people say they are vegan. Therefore, animal products are unnecessary."
- Appeal to authority: Pointing to opinion papers written by vegan shills as proof that their diet is adequate.
- No true Scotsman: "Everyone who failed veganism didn't do enough research. Properly planned vegan diets are healthy!" (aka not real Socialism)
- Narcissist's prayer: "Everything bad that came out of veganism is fault of the world, not veganism itself."
- No true Scotsman: "Veganism is not a diet, it's an ethical philosophy. No true vegan eats almonds, avocados or bananas ..."
- Definist fallacy: "... as far as is possible and practicable." (Can be used to defend any case of hypocrisy)
- Special pleading: "It's never ethical to harm animals for food, except when we 'accidentally'[1] hire planes to rain poison from the sky." (You can trigger their cognitive dissonance[2] by pointing that out.)
- Special pleading: "Anyone who doesn't agree with my ideology has cognitive dissonance."
- Appeal to emotion: Usage of words exclusive to humans (rape, murder, slavery, ... ) in the context of animals.
- Fallacy fallacy: "Evolution is a fallacy because it's natural."
- Texas sharpshooter fallacy: "A third of grains are fed to livestock. Therefore, a third of all crops are grown as animal feed."
- False dilemma: "Producing only livestock is less sustainable than producing only crops, so we should only produce crops."