>>18523646eyes are special
face is fucked up
you goys realize what's happening currently in the sperm wars? Look at it from the point of view of the female collective. "Migrants" are their need and call. White men get divided between chads and trash. Trash needs killed. Who gunna kill them? Nigger and sandnigger warriors, obviously.
Women never die, their chromosomes never suffer a drop like the male one does.
you gotta look at it from the point of view of the X chromosome. Remember the subreddit twoXchromosomes. It's not just a tag. It's the real director of behavior of that half of the species.
white women are orchestrating the purging of the white Y chromosomes. Every apparent insanity of their current modern behavior makes perfect sense from the point of view of that overarching strategy.
Even the incels reaction fits this painting perfectly too. They're the losers trying to mount a defense and getting bashed harder for the privilege.