Quoted By:
If you would like the realities of the situation, the revelation I have swallowed as of late is that we are among a peoples of cult-like gathering that defend to their death the right they have to be selfish and hateful; heaven-bound and sacred be whatever they gobble. It is defused by thought alone, but gather zero, they do for us! It's defended by a bound write up of contradictions. "All contradictions defend one another, and thus; the rapist rules the biblioteque." This is our story. This is MY story. I'm a 49 year old woman on Craigslist and this is MY story. this is MY story. Never do I ever. Oh, but Mother, may I?
Hell. I'm the purple smiling imp trash of your kissy kissy booth. Don't make me drop to zero damage. I don't even care how many quints are in my history so help me christ, I am a terrorist to them.