>>18763460Maria's fist clenched for a second, before relaxing again, a slight smirk crawling up on her face. There was the fire she had been looking for.
>Alright...Maria took a step back again, giving Ash her personal space back.
>Apologies for that outburst, lots of pent up frustration and anger. I am, well, was mad at you for not sticking to your morals when push came to shove...>If you want the Intercontinental title back around your waist, you're going to need to fight for it. As I'm sure you're still very familiar with.Maria took a glance around the room.
>And I think I have something in mind. We're both working at the dojo every now and then, right. We're familiar with who we train.>Karna, Sola, dears. If you could listen for a moment, I have a suggestion.>Next WWA show. Tag match. Either we team up against Karna and Sola, who have their own match at Judge, Jury and Executioner. Or we either take one of them and see each other in the ring. I'll leave the team composition up to you.>Because if you want this title, and I REALLY mean WANT the Intercontinental Title. You've got to show me that fire I see smouldering in your eyes right now.>See if the Firebird can still soar, or is nothing but drifting Ash.