>>3186786>If life's nature is finite and ultimately pointless, and it's all so angsty then why don't you literally kys?It doesn't matter whether I life or die, so why make the effort to kill myself?
I could have a cup of coffee as well.
Also, the act of dying is often a rather uncomfortable one, which is why I would prefer not to do so in the near future.
Non-existence is nothing to fear, it's a state of absolute neutrality, imo far superior to a mind-crumbingly boring life after death.
As for the meaninglessness of life, it is a wonderfully liberating experience to not have to pursue any set meaning in life or follow a certain moral code, thus becoming able to find your own (It's still pointless, but at least you're occupied with something).
Moral codes are, just like laws, no given objective rules, but subjective policies based on action and reaction, cause and effect.
Because of those consequences, we should refrain from doing absolutely everything we feel like, following our instincts like an animal, but we're deceiving ourselves if we allow any restrictions in our thinking and behaving by moral norms, faith or feelings.