It's to make the average nigger be very insecure about itself and ultimately to have more white women be raped. Think about it: basic stacey wants to get drunk and fuck tyrone by the end of the night. Stacey has been watching and knows that nigger dicks are all 14+ inches and fat so tyrone must have one of those too. Stacey plays her games and her and tyrone finally go upstairs to fug. Stacey rips tyrone's pants off, she has an uneasy feeling in her stomach, she's about to be fucked by the biggest dick of her life and she's giddy with anticipation. She rips tyrone's pants down and finds him hard as a rock, at 5.5 inches. Stacey thinks she can whack him off a bit and suck him up to at least 12 inches but he's full mast already. Stacey lets out a bit of a laugh and that's where things go south.
Tyrone's muddled intellect is conflicted with his biological need to pound sperm into white wymenz but stacey now has cold feet about having bitch lasagna sex. Tyrone can steal a bike and go home rejected while being internally crucified or he can do to the white wymenz what the white man had done to him for centuries, fuck them with or without consent.
Stacey is in quite the predicament too, she doesn't want to be racist but she also doesn't want a dick that's the same size as chad's was when they lost their virginity at 11.
So thanks to nigger dick cherry picking there's a brownlet on the way, stacey got raped and tyrone is on to the next dumb bitch that won't be going back for seconds.
This all very well would not have happened if it wasn't for:
>Jewish rabbi rubbing hands together