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I am you but stronger.jpg comes to mind.
It's strange to look at people from the western or anglo saxon mindset brought forth by Christianity.
In many ways, it makes us weak as men.
But as women, they have never had to adopt any such weakness as being noble as a women was considered a death sentence evolutionary wise.
However, this is partly the reason why Jews have not been able to cull with their usual methods the historic Russians or the Chinese without the spear of death to both as was so often easy to do in western Europe.
What is strange is that even with the destruction of most of their written history, they know who the Jews are better than anyone.
Even Japan found out quickly who they were long ago, and look at what their hubris got them working with the (((west))) in the early 1900s a few decades later.
Random thought here, but i would be terrified of a chinese a.g.i.
Not because it would do harm, but rather the lack of any emotion or soul in its justification for its actions.