Because it fits the occultism theme:
Stargate is Soft Disclosure and uses a sheme which we find a lot in the media. But before I explain the sheme let us go into just how the Stargate series is real:
So, what is the Series about? The egyptians created the Pyramids long time ago as a landing hub for Aliens which are the egyptian gods. I assume you know my stance on what we are shown to be Aliens to be actually spirits if you read my other posts so I dont go over that again now, but this is the same case. The egyptian gods instead of spirits being aliens. Now we do know the Pyramids are able to focus energy and are aligned with /tuned into the stars aka the heavens.
For example: Which I believe helps the focus actually helps focusing the spiritual energy too enabling you to astral project or whatever. Also could relate back to focusing spiritual energy.
Just for completion some other weird stuff around the Pyramids>Note that the Earth inerton field is also the principal mover that launched rather fantastic quantum chemical physical processes in Egypt pyramids (Krasnoholovets, 2001b), power plants of the ancients that has recently been proved by Dunn (1998)Also about special attributes of pyramid shapes in nano particles and how their position/the way they are turned itself influences the particles behavior
I believe the Pyramids are a kind of sensory deprivation chambers that focuses your mind towards the heavens where they met their gods through astral projection. In the series they then went to the stars where they encountered various entities, among them the Goa'uld, reptillian/serpentlike beings that take control of your body.