>>16631672schizophrenia hit me hard when I was 19-24 those years were honestly a nightmare looking back 12 years later. I think my schizophrenia started when I went to work in the ghetto of Edmonton and I almost got killed by Indians on 2 occasions. it must of triggered some kind of ptsd in me.
shit all came to a head when I thought the people I worked with were trying to poison me at work. I moved in with my gf of 5 years to her dads house and he fucked with me cause he hated me for fucking his daughter when she was 14.
left there and moved back home she broke up with me and I went to work in Muskoka that's when the real hell started. I lived in my car at one point on the Mohawk reservation and planned on killing myself there. at night I would hear all kinds of strange things in my head like pop songs that don't exist and orchestras as well.
long story but went to a loony bin and realized I was fucked in the head. to that point I had assumed it was all legit fears and I was right about it all. took me 2 more years to master the delusions and suppress them almost fully. I will still hallucinate vivid blue and green florescent landscapes but it only ever lasts 1 hour max.