Quoted By:
>long day of work at the game development studio
>got 3 oppressors send to gulag today for microaggressions, feeling pretty good
>take an uber home, rate the driver 1 star because he didn't compliment me on my new skirt
>government-appointed husband greets me at the door
>smell lasagna from the kitchen
>"that better be vegan and 100% organic or i will be complaining to the department of gender diversity"
>"y-yes hon-honey, i-it is", he stutters back
>so useless. i don't know why the department even sent him, as i listed my preferred partner as genderqueer on the paperwork
>decide to lay down the law
>"if i catch you making another mistake, i'm sending you to the gulag too"
>he falls to his knees crying
>step past him and sit down at the dining room table
>feel my Librem 5 PureOS GNU/Linux powered phone vibrate in my pocket
>it's another job offer from a company trying to meet their legally-enforced diversity quota
>they don't offer daily catered lunches, which i specifically requested.
>call my secretary and ask her why she isn't properly triaging my job offers
>she's already on thin ice for being cisgender
>she apologizes and begs me not to fire her
>gulag'd for not listening
kill myself 10 years later of suicide
t. porn image for jannies