>>21288010>>21288019Nikki grabs Araya’s arm as she starts heading into the mansion. “Nope! We’re not going in there. Well we can later if you want to explore, but for your training we’re gonna be using some equipment that I’ve got set up for my own training!”
Nikki narrows her eyes slightly, noticing that Araya seems momentarily distracted, as if listening to something, but is unable to figure out what. “So you can’t tell us how we die, huh? So I guess that must mean knowing things does change the future.”
Nikki eventually leads Araya to a zigzagging course marked by a series of lights along the ground, set up in the mansion’s gardens. At ten locations where the course suddenly changes direction, what appear to be punching bags connected to waist height cube shaped machines are set up. At the end of the course, is a larger machine connected to a screen which displays a welcome message.
Nikki begins to explain. “So, in ring speed is gonna be key against Maaike. But a wrestling ring is a pretty confined area. The kind of speed you want in a confined area like that is pretty different to like, sprint speed. It’s all about explosive movement, and quick changes of direction.”
Nikki grins. “But of course, you won’t win a match just running around. You gotta be able to knock a bitch on her ass too. That’s where those punching bags come in, every time you get to one, you have to hit it, there’s little sensors in them that’ll give your strike power a rating out of 100. At the end of the course, you get the time you take to complete it, and your average strike power.”
“My best time on this is just over 20 seconds, with an average strike power of 79. So how about you give it a try? Since it’s your first time, aim for under 30 seconds, and a strike power over 50, ok? Trust me, this is really good for perfecting the combo of speed and striking ability that wrecks havoc on big girls like Maaike.”