>[Barely five minutes.]That's all it took for The Mad Octopus to bend the Dojo trainee into submission. MADDOTAKO has been on the other side of a loss like this, but any empathy is long since dissipated as thoughts of chaos in the Dojo, at the behest of the Academy's Ultimate Sensei, takes hold. As her music pounds the stereo system, MADDOTAKO celebrates to the live crowd and the hard cam, before finally turning to face Suzuki, speaking softly.
["Su-zu-ki. Apparently it does matter who is weak or strong. And you, Showtime, are weak. I was weak, once, until the Overlord of the Academy made me realise what strength is. It is not training with rejects from other companies. It is not letting never-will-be tag team redheads lead you into further failure. And it absolutely is not letting a fallen Firebird lead the new generation. Go and 'train harder.' Be a 'free spirit', Suzuki, and when you are ready to face me again, I will take your other arm back to the Overlord in tribute."]
As her music continues, the Mad Octopus gyrates and writhes to her theme, exiting the ring and heading up the rampway.