>>17799714 Why do you assume I am an atheist for merely disagreeing with Christianity? I think its exceedingly foolish to believe in any god of specified being, be that Zeus, Odin, Shiva, Ra, etc. and then to further assert you know its nature based on a book written two thousand years ago by sand kikes that directly lifted stories of other gods that pre-date it (Osiris for example) and grifted it into their own.
If there is a god none of us would know its nature, will or anything about it. If you want my thoughts on the origin of the universe I believe we have fundamentally misinterpreted what reality is. I believe that all material things are complex illusionary constructs of an over arching consciousness. That in reality you, I, animals, trees, rocks all of it are merely nodes of varing degrees of consciousness that express themselves through what we recognize as material. The more complex the material is structured the greater the expression of consciousness through the material is possible. thus humans have a higher order of conscious expression then say dogs. and there are probably entities above us in this chain until you reach an over mind structure that is all these things.
Unlike you I'm not going to say my view is the correct one I'm not going to pretend to know or understand the extend and nature of such a structure of consciousness because I'm not foolish enough to believe I have the correct answer neatly packaged in a book. I have some hypothesis, some experiential glimpses, some thoughts but thats it. The sheer hubris you have to have to state that you know that the god you specifically believe in that is the most prevalent to your culture in your time and place out of the thousands and thousands of gods is astounding.