Now for the stuff I don't consider evidence but are things that make you say hmmmm
Do the elites know? Can the current state of affairs in the world be better explained and understood if we take into consideration that they know it's coming? Just take all the behavior of our politicians and leaders in the past decades. It makes no sense. They behave as if there is no tomorrow.
First let's take into consideration the predictive programming that I think we now all understand is 100% real. What did we see in the past several decades?
Movie Knowing 2009. A really good movie honestly. Watched it after I started researching this and it completely shook me when I watched it (I didn't know what the movie was about I watched it up until half when I was a kid and never finished it untill recently). It's filled with not so subtle messages about this event.
Movie "This is how it ends". Just don't even bother hiding it at this point.
"Dont look up" is a netflix (netflix is also owned by the CIA) movie that has predictive programming about the Micronova event.
>the title of the movie itself>DiCaprio researching Novas before the asteroid plot picks up>the ugly chick sets a diet timer and the numbers together with the year of release point towards 2046 ( supposed date of the event forgot to mention )Did you also know that the Director of "Dont Look up" donated millions of dollars and sits on the board of an organization called the "climate emergency fund". fund invests into all kinds of shit "climate change" shit, most notably the Retards from the "Last generation" who throw Tomato Soup and Mashed Potatos at famous paintings. Isn't that interesting though? Last Generation? Also I saw these "Last Generation" say things like "in 2050 we wont be able to feed ourselves". Just a cohenincidence?