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Oh yeah it's total garbage. New writer using the Madoka name will have a lot more publicity but in using the name they set the bar pretty damn high. And my God this show is a flop. The MC is literally made of cardboard she is so flat, also her abilities or power level is never explained so she seems terrible then all of a sudden is strong at the end. One or two fights are cool though.
Also no damn world building, literally where the fuck are we half the time and you can't really seem to grasp the setting they are going for too well, whether it's supposed to be goofy at times or trying too hard to be scary. Either way they fuck up the atmosphere big time.
The best episode is 7 or 9, can't remember nor care. The one about the girl trapped in some cyber world with the AI lady. It's the most character building the show has ever seen and you actually care about the girl. But they immediately shit on the only good character with their introduction of another 7 new characters per episode.
Man this show is a disgrace. Anyway, that's my blog.