>>21700950A mc Donald’s worker who works 40 hour week gets roughly 1400 bucks a month
I can’t speak for mc Donald’s but at the restaurant I worked at they would cheat me out of money by letting me do unpaid overtime
If that applies to mc Donald’s at well it could very fast come down to 1200 after taxes
Try living off 1200 if you don’t live with your parents
100 bucks car insurance (if you have one)
100-300 bucks for gas
Let’s say 350 bucks for cheap ass apartment (most likely shared)
150-250 bucks for gas to heat with (can reduce costs there a bit)
150 for Wi-Fi, and other fees you have to pay like Rundfunk, and that people come who take your trash away etc
200-400 bucks for food (can cut costs also there if necessary)
And if you live like that you already cut costs in a lot of corners
You see the numbers aren’t adding up