>>3939979Antimony is what the establishment seems to identify our Timeline as. Shinny, looks glorious but very fragile and easy to break at Times. The establishment believes this and we can see it in their actions. They can see that we appear to be heading for the glory of man but yet treat us like we are the ones who are the verge of defeat. They believe that they can break us. But they can't. They have either falsely identified our Future or our destiny has simply kicked in and is bringing us on a new path.
>If you've been in the movement for years, did you notice anything strange during late 2012 early 2013? Notice how all of the right wing outlets online all of sudden began to get very racial and more and more explicit. What was taboo became the norm. People who would never touch right wingers like us with a ten foot poll all of sudden started re-posting things that you assume they never would. What changed? Was it the re-electing of Obama in November setting in that got people angry, maybe. But what else occurred in late 2012. The alignment of everything. If the gravity of the moon can effect ocean currents and even the mood and temper of wolves and other animals. Can the alignment of all the planets in our solar system possibly effect our minds? "Of course not were smarter than animals" the idiot normie would say thinking that intelligence would somehow effect the metaphysics which converged on that day with real physics. Think about that. Do you believe real physics can converge with metaphysics. I DO. I know it does. But that's another story Why is America so ultimately powerful?
Beyond what is even comprehensible.
My credibility will be 100% gone after this in the minds of most people but that's irrelevant.
Only truth is relevant.
I am not saying this is. I am only proposing the following as a possibility.
>Is America the first inter timeline empire?In other words: Does America exist beyond our timeline. Is America an infinite empire