>>18886479I hate bitches. Feminists ruined women for me. One time I was walking my neighborhood apartments at night like I always do(night walks) and some worthless skank accused me of stalking her. I hate these nigger loving whores so much. There are no more good women anymore. The best I could do if groom a young girl to be my White supremacist wife but Ron Destantis made that punishable by death, fucking death. And young faggots in society who do not appreciate good Aryan blood, even if older, would hate me for it. Not sure what I'm going to do. I just hope World War III happens and all these fucking zoomer wiggers get culled so my seed is more valuable and precious, and then no one will complain that I am dating a girl that is too young when there are almost no more men(White) in the world anymore. They've give me a harem of underage girls just to breed more children when humanity faces near extinction. No longer will they castrate me. But all these fuckin wiggers have to die first. So I'm praying for World War III.
Isaiah 13:12
>I will make a man more precious than fine gold; even a man than the golden wedge of Ophir.Also, hunt the mods.