There are some newsarticles of old giants being found like pic related. Some pics of skeletons which may or may not be shopped, but the legends of giants are existent everywhere. They appearently had 6 fingers (which is possibly where the base 12 mathematics comes from which some ancient cultures appearently used).
there is an effect called Hybrid Vigor or Heterosis when you mix two species the hybrid offspring potentially expresses certain traits stronger than both of the parents. think of the Liger for example which is the biggest feline we know off. Or the nephilim, hybrids between (fallen) angels and humans which are the giants
According to myths they mostly had red hair which gave me another theory. In the Book of Enoch it is described how Noah is born completely white and radiating, like an albino plus emmitance of light. It is also said that thats how the angels appear. Now if an albino like angel happens to mate with a normal pigmented human like the bible says giants/nephilim were created the result could be a ginger giant.
Lincoln appearently also believed in giants. From his works>The eyes of that species of extinct giants, whose bones fill the mounds of America, have gazed on Niagara, as ours do now>>9777354>cant comprehending just walking outside and continue posting on mobile>implying i ever tried to hide that im OPFunny though that the memeflag accuses me of trying to hide who i am. Nice projection