>>16544495Great...this was moved to bant before I could submit this...
I frequent the flat/hollow/crater earth threads on here out of fascination. Starting in my early 20s, I've had numerous OBEs and sleep paralysis episodes; at one point, it occured almost every day. They are much less frequent now. That being said, there is a recurring dream that I have, where I see the earth from a distance and find an unknown continent with snowy pine forests. It appears to be uninhabited. When I zoom in on the earth with my mind, I descend to that unknown continent and walk through the forest; it's very peaceful and incredibly beautiful. I want to say that it is slightly north of the Bering strait, in between America and Russia.
I mention this because from this map, it appears that lemuria is within the "ice wall". Do you have any information on known, but unannounced land masses within our realm? I don't necessarily subscribe to any particular shape of the earth, as I don't know what the answer is. What I do know is that NASA has used CGI and other tricks, pawning off their creations as reality; I heavily distrust them.
On another side note, my mother swears as a teen that her family had come into contact with a UFO in New England in the 1970s. I believe she saw something, but I believe that the phenomenon is on the spiritual level rather than physical (fallen angels, etc...). I have read that these things are attracted to negative blood types, which my mother has. Is there anything you can tell me about that as well? Is this a generational/bloodline thing? I experienced weird shit, but my father and brother do not (OBE/sleep paralysis/abduction dreams). My wife doesn't either. It's hard to explain it to people that haven't had it happen to them, but it feels very real and can be extremely pleasurable or absolutely terrifying. Apologies for the rant and multiple questions, I am just genuinely curious.