>>18410364>>18412187>[Lillith is moving through the Dojo floor when Andi Kestrel, 'New Girl' approaches her with a warm greeting and a big hug. Lillith is conflicted, and not really a hugger at the best of times, but doesn't fight the gesture. Lillith contemplates telling Andi all about the Lumber Party, but decides to keep it to herself. A personal memory to look back on when things get tough, maybe. And frankly, New Girl has not been the best tag partner to Lillith... just like Blonde Girl before her. Maybe it's something to do with the hair colour.]"LILLITH SEE NEW GIRL IN DOUBLES MATCH, BUT" --
>[Lillith looks towards Robyn, and immediately notices her purple hair. Lillith doesn't *think* this is Purple Girl, but she has had trouble telling apart some of the wrestlers before. Especially the ones without horns. Lillith looks Robyn once over, and decides if it was Purple Girl, they'd probably be fighting by now. A bloof (or maybe it's a weat?) from DOG snaps Lillith out of her glaring.]"LILLITH NOT MEET ROBBER GIRL. BUT IF NEW GIRL SAY NICE, THEN LILLITH THINK NICE."
>[Robyn seemingly accidentally mentions Lillith's horns, and Lillith involuntarily clenches her fist at her side, but thankfully the conversation quickly changes to computers, whatever that means. Lillith will be no help, unless by chance it needs to be torn in half.]