What we have now is classism being disguised as racism and sexism. It is identical to 1913 Russia, but instead of poverty, the socialists' subversion is in the form of leveraging racial and gender inequities, instead of class. The socialists cannot use class/wealth now to subvert, b/c the socialists ARE the meritless, central bank-funded elitists.
It is the only way they have left to sow discontent in order to wrestle more power away from a unified US population.
All the elevated rhetoric from both sides is to make you feel as though your vote made a difference. This is to give you the illusion of choice. It doesn't matter who runs Congress or who is President, the Federal Reserve will still run the show, rigging markets and rewarding failure, all while still counterfeiting our currency and charging us interest to do so. The Fed then launders these Federal Reserve Notes by purchasing real assets at rock bottom prices during crises.
This is a good link for the Fed con in entirety, laid out in 105 posts.
https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/306098770/Correction in archived thread: change mortgagee to mortgagor
The Federal Reserve is like metastasizing cancer and you should use cash or barter whenever possible. The Fed now owns 1/3 of all US mortgages. We are devolving into low grade communism, aka state capitalism, now witnessing a slow-motion corporate takeover of the US by the Fed, its shareholders (the big banks), triparty brokers, and hedge funds. When fiat paper is looking good, you know things are bad. Use cash and barter as much as possible!
Coronavirus finally provided central banks the opportunity to finally be able to crash the economy without losing power.