>>7197477>Implying a faggot like OP could kill anyone and not just make passive aggressive comments like a teenage girl.>implying guns don't exist>A better thing would have OP been to not insult him like a faggot after inviting him into his home.what would actually be better would be for niggers to act like people(which they don't) and use words against words instead of chimping out like niggers
>OP didn't do anything to put an end to the nigger and kike, he just made himself look like an ass in front of his family.>implying shunning niggers in kikes is not doing something about them.>It is perfectly acceptable to punch someone for insulting you in front of your girlfriend.So I can now go punch people I disagree with now? cool!!!!! such a great lesson for OP's nephew to learn.
>Who the fuck lets a random nigger into his house? If his sister showed up with a nigger just reject her there saying that he won't let a nigger into his house.Are you mentally challenged memeflaggot? He was doing it for his nephew nigger or no nigger.
>Why the fuck did you invite them in in the first place?see above you retarded kike.
>If he was doing it for the nephew he did a pretty good job ruining the kid's Christmas by not just holding his tongue.>get drunk>say drunk things>sober nigger hits you because "muh dick feelin bad">it's the drunks fault because nigger get's physicalare you being serious? remove the meme flag right now.
>I'm sure the kid would have enjoyed Christmas far more just spending it with his mother and her boyfriendI'm sure watching Tyrone beat mamma would be the best of Christmases
>than visiting his uncle,Doubt it if his uncle has the money and time to get the whole family together.
>seeing his uncle and mother's boyfriend fight,It was a nigger cheap shooting a drunk guy, I would not consider that a fight.