Quoted By:
>[Deep in the sprawling bowels of the Spaghetti Town underground, the thing they call Cactus is mumbling to herself. A record skips in the corner, splattered with blood or warped beyond recognition. The field has been chosen; meat for the grinder, blood for the blood God.]
haah haah haah
lcuetofkro gonas be os mcuhf ufnf unfun fufunf nfun
loal maaalice taltalta
huhhh suuusannaanana? new friienf new friwnd
. . .
av av ava vava va vava vav vavavava… oooh aaavaa
allfromy chasmsauohishp mien mine mine meinie mien
>[The creature cackles uncontrollably and leaves, slamming something on the way out. The record slips back into place.]
The line it is drawn, the curse it is cast //
The slowest now will later be fast //
As the present now will later be past //
The order is rapidly fadin' //
And the first one now will later be last //
'Cause the times, they are a-changin'.