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Sorry, but its time to get schwifty in here...
In the past few weeks something has been bothering me, to the point that I've had several nights where I've been awake unable to sleep at night; something regarding humanity as a whole.
It seems to me that there is all this corruption in the world of humans,
in all the different branches of government,
in every system put in place to protect people,
in every country I've heard of,
in every nook and cranny, none seems to be beyond the reach of human greed.
Just think about the electric car industry, the energy industry, the weapons industry, the marijuana industry, the health care system, any industry really and now think about how different those same industries would be if we (in an ideal world) were able to remove the influence of greed.
Now I'm not suggesting that people should try to remove greed,from the equation, it is part of human nature after all...
But it seems, to me at least, that we have systems in place in every undertaking that doesn't take into account said greedy nature. Now normally that wouldn't really bother me.. I would simply attribute that to our flawed greedy nature, and so I won't be addressing what I personally think is wrong with our system, but would simply hope that we can all agree that something is wrong.
What DOES bother me though is that no one really seems to care all that much, and the few that actualy do care, generally speaking, forget all about being angry after a couple of days, weeks, months or years at most; writing a few angry facebook posts... but what really REALLY scares me to the depths of my depraved tinfoil-hat wearing soul, is that I'm one of them...
I can only conclude that it is simply human nature to be too lazy too stand for something.
And so all this leads me to fear that things like global warming will be the undoing of us.. thoughts?
Tl;dr: Is humanity on our way towards extinction due to our lazines?