>>2407773As an aussie, you get super fucked on prices. Don't ask my why, just don't order GW direct. About half my Crimson Fists company is secondhand, use Pine Sol or metals and Easy Off for plastics. Not too much oven cleaner or you'll ruin the detail. Do not buy GW hobby tools, support your local hardware store for cheaper. How much fun you'll have is related to who is around to play so CHECK THAT FIRST. If the local scene looks insufferable, do not buy in.
>>2407781Played Tau since third ed, fuck the haters. Adapt or die.
>>2407784Guard are about to be bananas. If you spam conscripts, you're a nigger.
>>2407702Because it's selling. When that stops they'll fuck off. If you want a hobby they'll never touch, get into automechanics.