>>3536807Lmao you really should check into drinking bleach you skitz.
>So uh, heh, uh... so, yeah...>puts hands in pockets >Hmmm, uhh..>paces towards camera >Yeah... so... umm... >a slight growing hum can be heard from the crowd>... Donald.......>the audience collectively prepares themselves with such force that it sucks all air out of the room, producing an environment similar to the vacuum of space>colbert licks his lips slowly, the saliva immediately boiling due to the difference in pressure>a few people begin to experience dangerous side effects, some go unconscious>colbert, unphased, closes his eyes in dismay as he prepares to speak once again>... Trump.>the audience's collective groaning sigh causes the room to rumble and the building's foundations to sway>dust drops from the ceiling as the rumbling continues, light fixtures drop to the floor and shatter>the shards of glass shoot out towards the crowd, killing several people instantly and leaving some with gaping wounds>a large glass of water on a stand drops to the floor near a broken light, extending the current >one of the stage crew accidentally slips and lands in the puddle, taking several thousand volts into his body and frying his brain>the rumbling ceases immediately>colbert smirks>I mean, really?>the audience laughs as the dead crewman's body catches on fire in the background