Quoted By:
>be me
>never in GATE in any official capacity
>homeschool kid
>at age 3 or 4 my parents take me and my sister on a trip to Washington DC
>long trip for us as we lived in the deep south
>take us to some doctor to get the beep test
>be 33 now and ask my parents what that shit was about
>have been given multiple conflicting stories by my parents
>also remember the zenner cards from early childhood but can't remember who/where they were used on me
>early childhood full of seemingly metaphysical phenomena
>later in life have grey alien abduction experiences as an adult
>family is sketchy AF
>mother's side has long history of witchcraft
>father's side has high level freemasons and shriners
>have one uncle in military intel
>had another uncle that ran a bunch of pizza franchises that suddenly died of cancer while he was in prison and getting investigated by the FBI
>every notable person that inserts themselves into my life is always connected somehow to Masonry, Mil-int, Spec-ops, Mob, etc.
>few years ago jewish art girl attempts to insert herself into my life. Emails me out of the blue claiming she knew me from somewhere and that we should meet up
>she kept trying to get into my head and asking obvious bait questions trying to walk me into entrapment shit
>pic related was from her
Bros, I'm getting Mk-ultra'd arn't I?