>>11195377>>11195391>1. They want to breed a ruling class for Africa that will be embraced by the natives.Or even not that and they are just putting effort into sucking up to those black students. Here's why:
>be Chinese>want loyal puppets>get young blacks from Africa to study in China>as they study drown them in Chinese pussy, luxury and fond memories>when those black students come back to Africa they will have nothing but "Wow! China is so great!" in their mind>China strategically places them in corporations and in local governments>also probably will have a Chinese wife (100% glowniggers all of them) that will be a mole and keep spying at all social circles of her black husbandThey're just producing loyal puppets.
>bonus points if they have kids and kids become loyal puppets on steroidsIt's an old tactic. Soviets tried this shit in Poland. Germans try to do this till this day. Every occupant ever tries to do this.