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What are you but coiled maggots, consuming carcasses with contorted countenances? Your precious God has given you 80 miserable years to rot on this shitball which orbits a flickering light destined to extinguish. Just about enough time to see the light, that light being the indisputable nature of the darkness which fills the universe and your hearts. There is no ocean deeper than, no philosophy truer than, and no court of law as just as my hatred for you. You may snigger at me. You may call me an edgelord. You may even realise the seriousness of my words and feel a primal, sobering fear. But you will NEVER understand what got me to this point or where exactly this point even is. It lies on no axis you operate according to the rules of. I am the spirit of the void.
Dead eyes and a mind alive with suffering, for that is all dead eyes are symptomatic of, I walk your streets and watch the vermin. The human sludge that feeds off its own shit and piss. Grand ideals and high-minded philosophy rattling around vacuous heads, heads desperate to find meaning where there is none to be found. You toil in vain. You love not what you create but what you destroy. In this life you will be ground to dust, crushed by the weight of your own sins. Satan’s throne is cold with malice. His trident is red with the blood of righteousness. There will be no mercy for you.