>>13963551>1 Corinthians 8:9Be careful, however, that your freedom does not become a stumbling block to the weak. 10For if someone with a weak conscience sees you who are well informed eating in an idol’s temple, will he not be encouraged to eat food sacrificed to idols? 11So this weak brother, for whom Christ died, is destroyed by your knowledge. 12By sinning against your brothers in this way and wounding their weak conscience, you sin against Christ.>1 John 3:9 Everyone who has been fathered by God does not practice sin, because God’s seed resides in him, and thus he is not able to sin, because he has been fathered by God. 10By this the children of God and the children of the devil are revealed: Everyone who does not practice righteousness – the one who does not love his fellow Christian – is not of God.>John 14:15If you love Me, you will keep My commandmentsIF YOU TRY TO DEFEND THESE DEMONS AND MISUSE THE SCRIPTURES YOU WILL BE KILLED BY MY GODDESS WIFE, THE HOLY SPIRIT, AND BURN TOO.