>>21465040>https://archive.org/details/kubricks-odyssey-secrets-hidden-in-the-films-of-stanley-kubrick-2011_202012/Kubrick's+Odyssey+-+Secrets+Hidden+in+the+Films+of+Stanley+Kubrick+(2011).m4v#reviews>https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/science/space/6105902/Moon-rock-given-to-Holland-by-Neil-Armstrong-and-Buzz-Aldrin-is-fake.html>https://www.bitchute.com/video/tXiQXbOjHLlmbaby moon pills
>https://centerforaninformedamerica.com/moondoggie-1/horse sized moonpill, now the rhetoric can get a bit show boaty and smarmy; so be careful showing normies - however the evidence isn't refutable the arguments are sound - and normals would be even more radical than You or I if they knew the truth. Normals do NOT like being lied to; so much that they will lie to THEMSELVES 2 or 3 layers before admitting they were wrong. With careful empathy, we can weaponize this.
Also let's just go back, we can go back can't we? 70 years later let's just go back gimme those HD photos and videos of moon. Let's go back and prove it one way or another - but I know which way it'll be.
We can't afford it? They did it during Vietnam there and bck so many times they brought a dunebuggy to fuck around. We can afford it. We afford Izzreals wars and let homeless die under corporate housing buyouts. We afford worse; we can afford to verify humanities greatest achievement (lie)