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Mathematics is a mental construct intended to understand reality. Some people go too far one end and end up believing reality IS math, instead of math just being an attempt to describe reality.
An example of this is when scientists claim that purely abstract mathematical concepts such as infinity exist in the real world as it is in the case of "singularities" and "black holes", which don't exist.
It is the typical failure of mistaking the map for the territory.
If your equations give you as a result that there is something of infinite mass somewhere in space that does not mean there is, in fact, something of infinite mass, but that your equations, or the assumptions you based those equations on, are wrong.
For example, in the case of black holes, the assumption that gravity and only gravity is the force that has a role in the macro cosmos, when there is a growing body of evidence that there are forces other than gravity (which is extremely weak) keeping the galaxies together.
My big brain advice for the day would be that: If it is subsidized by government money, it is very VERY likely to be shit. Government "science" and any other kind of government "experts" included.