>>18081516>thank you anon. is there somewhere I can find info on sam training leafy to fight idubbz? was it talked about on a stream or something?https://twitter.com/LeafyIsHere/status/1677574422402838528?t=a0f5pLeLZlP5rub__eIuOw&s=19https://twitter.com/DelGroyp/status/1677086276653322240?t=PkZKYb_9Yiy30YBtBz8BWg&s=19Incase you don't have Twitter
https://streamable.com/19c34c>you don't have to repost it, but what kind of documents did he drop?It was of Letty's licence and her talking about how Jezza made a bunch of Spotify accounts to stalk her and that she kept getting back together with him to stop him from stalking her or something