>>20201782You sound rather peeved despite protests to the contrary.
And why are you so pissed about some deal that fell through? Did it affect you personally? International business agreements fall through all the time, with all countries, so I don't get why China is supposedly extra-bad because of the example you give.
You call me a pussy, yet you can't even own guns. LOL That makes you a pussy since, according to the Second Amendment, your right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed, so you should have firearms anyway and just tell the government to get fucked. That would be the non-pussy thing to do.
And yes, if I can get into China, I will obey their laws. I am not some trashy type who would go to another country and expect their culture and their government to accommodate me. Each country has a right to its own laws based on its own history, traditions, and concerns. I would prefer the Bill of Rights were adopted universally by all countries, but that won't happen, at least anytime soon.
You can go on rooting for anal flag America no matter how Satanic it becomes just for the egotistical reason that you were born here. And if you're some kind of pro-German who gets butthurt when a Germany company is ripped off, then know that I am 100% German stock: tall, lean, broad shoulder, blue eyes, blond hair, like a Third Reich poster boy.
I am probably genetically superior to you anyway, even if you are for some reason identifying with Germany or German ancestry when you take offense at that broken business agreement.