>>22219012but the torah says that the law trumps anyone's personal revelation. the torah is very explicit that if a prophet or dreamer of dreams tells you that they had a vision where you were supposed to break the law, he is to be stoned to death, and that God is testing you. so jesus and or paul are foretold in the torah.
it can be hard to prove that jesus is based off of mystery school and pagan figures, simply because they are not exact parallels and only have some of the characteristics of these personages. but it can't be ignored that zoroastrian magi were the first visitors to the messiah, and there is a mithras statue at the vatican. there is also an obelisk/dome pairing at the vatican which pertains to the trio of osiris, isis and horus. osiris ended up with a golden penis instead of a ohysical one, and gold is symbolic of pure spirit as opposed to "leaden" flesh (and astrologically saturn is associated with lead) so you could say that it was an immaculate conception. but this will never be convincing to christians because there is always that wiggle room for doubt and return to comfort.
it is much easier and cut and dried to show that jesus did not fulfill the requirements to be the jewish messiah. in this case, it is easier to prove a negative (jesus was not messiah) than it is to prove a positive (jesus is mithras, romulus, horus etc in a blender).
https://docs.google.com/viewerng/viewer?url=https://jewsforjudaism.ca/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/FaithStrengthened.pdf&hl=en_USthis is a famous booklet put out by a karaite jew called defending the faith. a great read.
for instance, if jesus is the son of God (something the jewish scriptures never ever claim about messiah) he could not be the son of david (something jewish scriptures say must be the case with messiah). he also said that he would return while his disciples will still be alive; clearly not the case, thus jesus is a false prophet, proven by christian sources!