>I felt like I was going crazy watching this in s1, everyone was acting like she's some perfect angel when she was openly shitting on her fans constantly.Thankyou for having eyes to see what Josie really is. watching that when it happened repeatedly LIVE to the audience was insane. I didn't expect them to memory hole what she said about them so easily. sad shit really... she's completely exploiting these sad guys
>>20157758>all the brown Josiecels are jealous and trying to get him kicked out because he’s a “creep”. Even though he makes sexual comments because he knows Josie is obsessed with white men and sexLOL trvke. if any of the orbiters get too honest about what Josie really is (a whore, slut, junkie who loves wiggers & cock) the brainwashed orbiters who think she's "PURE WOSIE" turn on them like an immune system and expel the truth
to think those brown orbiters spend all day calling me a black/brown person