>>12682695Uhh I don't know. I think it sounds a little too affectionate, darling.... Yes, no hurting. How could I? I should be more worried about if you have any vatos in your familia. Maybe we could play your Gamecube. Only I'm not very good at Mariokart
>My father recently cooked chicken with some spinach, bell pepper, and pieces of carrotsOoh sounds delish. In fact that sounds kind of like a plain meal we sometimes make with suasage and veggies or potatos. Another one my dad used to make a lot either for breakfast or dinner was potatos chopped thinly and cooked kind of like hashbrowns, then covered with a layer of cheese. It was made even better if there was some leftover bacon grease lying around
Fiiine then keep your recipes to yourselves, I just thought it would be nice to know is all.... Oh but speaking of Spanish food have you guys ever made paella?
>Speaking of drinking, been four days now. I feel sort of better nowI told you you would. I'm not sure how you got it normally, but you could try distancing yourself from those routes too just so you're not tempted to buy more. If you really must, try to only do it with other people. Drinking alone is one of the most sure signs of alcoholism. But only if you must!
>Maybe, but not possiblyWhat kind of things would you do to someone? Just out of curiosity of course... Small isn't always ideal. That's how I got bullied
>A little more serious and humorlessThat just sounds like how you always act tho. Not that I mind it or anything. Oh maybe we could do a collab sometime if I ever start streaming to give us both more experience with that sort of thing. I won't embarrass you too much, I promise
>I use GeForce experience to record and streamIs that only for your graphics card? I don't think my laptop has any dedicated graphics card. OBS works well with things like voice changers too and is recommended for use with some free mocap software I found, so I might go with that anyway
Oh nice. I should subscribe sometime