>>21616782Commies have a god complex and are undeniably evil. You have to work and have consent for authority over others. You are establishing a system that incentivizes sociopathic bureaucrats and oppresses any opposition with unchecked violence
>>21616789The current elites are delusional shitlibs slowly drifting to communism. They would Unironically try everything they could that could possibly prove all men being equal otherwise they have no legitimacy and the destruction of themselves and everything they ever did be just and necessary. Any non white immigrants including indians basically get leniency for their usual brown shittery. It's a short lived and a bad policy as it devalues your schools, companies and other organizations with applicants even less reliable than standardized testing produces.
>>21616791government is horribly inefficient in generating wealth to the point its %99.9 of the time actively destroying or hoarding it, Fiat Toilet paper has no value by itself. What the government did by printing money was taxing you both by lowering the value of all cash while the government has more cash since they have the new print
You just get fucked over more by this money fraud
>>21616814They do what I'm saying in the inverse, their fed has total authority and authority gets less and less as you get more local. This makes sense as a bureaucracy as you level up and down but is horribly tyrannical.
What I'm saying is that counties should have almost total authority which gets lower in a state level and even lower at a federal level with say county has 100 laws state should have 50 and the fed 10
>authority should be limited as its width increases with max authority being you dictating yourself and min authority being all of humanity