>>92045302000 years ago a man named Jesus died (he ceased to exist for three days, no he did not phase into an alternate dimension, his consciousness CEASED) and after three days of being dead he rose again from the dead, thus defeating the power of death for everyone. Jesus died to save us from death, he did not die to save us from going to hell, he died to save us from eternal non existence. Jesus didnt go to hell for your sins, he died for your sins, if eternal torment is the penalty for sins Jesus didnt pay it.
Due to Jesus' death everyone will who has ever lived has eternal life. Everyone who has ever lived will be with God one day in his kingdom forever. Jesus died and paid for all and he has ransomed all from the power of the grave (nonexistence)
This is whether you believe me or not.
Now if you do believe this message, you has now received eonian salvation, meaning God will resurrect you earlier, before Jesus establishes his 1000 year kingdom, and based on your performance in this life God will reward you with an allotment in the heavens where you will rule with Jesus over the angels and demons.
To those who did not believe this message/hear it it they will be raised at the great white throne judgment after the 1000 year kingdom, and judged according to their deeds. Some will be let into the kingdom and other will be sent to hell. Those that go to hell are burnt to ash and die again. The lake of fire (hell) is the just dying again. This too happens to Satan. Some time after that Jesus will cast death into hell(Jesus kills death) and when death is destroyed all those that died in hell will be resurrected and be let into the kingdom of God. When this happens, and Jesus has reconciled everyone to his father, Jesus subjects himself to his father and God will be all in all.