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There has been an upswing of men in the manosphere portraying marriage as some sort of mitigable risk that is perfectly okay to sign into as long as a man does A, B, C or a combination of the three. Were you to speak to the average man today about women and marriage, he would most likely promote marriage as a good thing men should opt into, just as long as a man “knows what to look for”, or “picks the right woman” or some other nonsense.
I watched the Kino Casino segment on Nick Fuentes last night and while I do agree with both PPP’s and Andy Warsky’s take on Nick being a closet homosexual, their entire outlook and perspective on marriage and the male-female dynamic is terribly rudimentary, nonobjective and extremely gynocentric, to say the least. First of all, MGTOW philosophy is for Alpha males—men who have dealt with women all their lives and didn’t have to make an effort to attract them as the average man has to. It is for men like myself and not the common, bitter beta male, simping faggots that the philosophy unfortunately attracts. It is not for the men who destroy and sullen the philosophy with their angry beta-maxing and stupidity. MGTOW philosophy CAN BE useful to these freaks, but they are just too fucking stupid to put it to any real use. They are too hung up on edgy and the shock value, instead of understanding themselves and comprehending why women affect them so much.
With that being said, look at PPP. He has to sing for his supper, so his takes on men and women will always be that of a simp. The same goes for Warsky, the loudmouth ectomorph feigning masculinity.Nick Fuentes is indeed a stupid child. He is definitely mildly retarded and much of what he says is retarded Zoomer nonsense born out of arrested development and being socially awkward. However, I can still understand where he is coming from regarding women, even though much of what he says is contradictory and totally fucking retarded. For instance, he says, “having sex with women is gay”.