>Be Robb Flynn>Start off making mediocre Nu-Metal>Put out a few albums>Most Metalheads hate you>Start to drop the Nu-Metal sound around your 4th album>Around the mid 2000's your band is actually making decent stuff >Around the same time some Cuckservative blogger on the internet writes an article saying that Dimebag Darrell's (Pantera) death was a good thing>His reason for saying this is that, in his opinion, Dimebag Darrel was a white trash barbarian and a racist >He doesn't out right call him a racist but it's heavily implied (he outright calls others racist though)>This was not a new accusation since Dimebag was known to use the Confederate flag and was from the most red state in the country (at the time)>Robb hears about the article and makes a song about it(Aesthetics of Hate),condemning the writers words >few years pass>people kind of forget about Machine Head>they put out some "meh" albums>few more years pass >they start to sound more like their Nu-Metal days>Around the start of 2016 Phil Anselmo (also Pantera and Dimebag's ex bandmate) get's accused of being racist for shouting "White Power" at a show>Robb makes a video responding to Anselmo's actions >Calls him a racist and goes into a full on White guilt rant>few more years pass>Machine Head now sounds like complete garbage >Robb is a full SJW>Almost all of his songs are influenced by some SJW talking point >A few weeks ago he makes the most cringy SJW poetry slamThis is the poetry slam:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CfkpvsvmVsMWhat the fuck happened to this guy? He used to put out good music and had some good things to say. Where did it all go wrong for him?
How do you go from defending Dimebag Darrel because he was called a racist white trash loser to calling the people who voted for Trump "rednecks"?