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And last but not least we have the original leftist Nationalist: Napoleon Bonaparte, who was the child and heir of the very first leftist revolution, the French Revolution and he is to this day lauded as the man who took the "ideals" of the French Revolution to the rest of Europe. Like all leftist dictators, he preached social equality (but did not really practice it back then) and built up around himself a cult of the leader that was very much the same as that built up around themselves by Stalin, Mao, Kim Il Sung etc. In the end it was mainly competition for power that set Hitler and Stalin on a collision course.
Although it's all readily available in the history books, practically none of it ever reaches public consciousness. Given that Hollywood, the media and the educational system are overwhelmingly left-leaning in the modern postwar sense, that is hardly a surprise. The modern Left (which is a politically correct joke), the Trotskyites and Anarcho-Marxists cannot AFFORD to have the public at large realize that the great Totalitarians and Bonapartist Nationalists of the 20th century were all revolutionary leftist Socialists, including Hitlerist Germany, and that modern postwar Leftists who oppose Nationalism are just fashionable stupid kids or politically correct human scum!