A few new public FREEBIE AI models have dropped. Haven't drawn attention because of the 4Chan Gangbang Effect.
https://app.baseten.co/apps/QPp4nPE/operator_views/RqgOnqVSuper sweet photo fixing. Part FaceGen like FACEAPP plus some deblurs and edge fixing.
https://replicate.com/Lots of iffy AI models, but somewhat easy to use. Delete cookies for the website when it starts begging for money to reset FREEBIE MODE.
https://beta.dreamstudio.ai/dreamA version of Microsoft's (shitcorp) AI IMAGEgen (you can turn off NSFW mode in the ACCOUNT settings). Upside, you can mog it with temporary email addresses, downside, only about 50 generations before they refuse further image gens and want you to pony up cash, no daily or hourly freebee gens and the model is supposed to go Freeware Public pretty soon. Example image from my playtime. Still has "melted hands", "extra arms", and other weird shit as they haven't decomposed scenes into SKY BACKGROUND ACTOR PROP PROP-DECAL PROP-DECORATION ACTOR-CLOTHING ACTOR-DECAL CLOUD SMOKE FREE-LIQUID FREE-GRAVEL WOVEN-OBJECT etc... Like any non-moron SceneGen maker would for later actor or decor reposition along with animation and camera moves. Shits primitive, but not bad for porn gen if you don't mind 90% random shit and bad camera angles.
At least the
Stability.AI isn't utter shit at human faces.
Blond bearded Viking underwater.